
3 months and I'm writing again...

It's almost 3 months since my last wrote about Excel Tutorials. maybe I'm just too busy hanging around with the big debt after my graduation... hehehhehehhehe...

As for my return let me just share something on Youtube files about tutorial while I'm configuring for the post for tomorrow.

Thanks to claybennett for the picture above,... http://www.claybennett.com

This photoshop tutorial is from FlashAcesDesign

For more video tutorials just visit: EXPRESS VIDEO categories: tutorials

Is This Tutorials Suitable For YOU?

WELCOME to this FREE MS EXCEL learning

This tutorial is suitable for anyone who uses computer in they daily tasks including YOU. It’s written for enormous class of people commonly referred to as users in the computer businesses. With technology evolutions, computer has become a ‘necessary’ in almost every industry. I think it is safe to say that more than 90% of the office jobs in the world today involve computer.

School, college or university students are also highly recommended to take this tutorial. The tutorials here not only can improve your computer knowledge but more importantly it helps you in preparing your paper works, course works, or assignments.

EXCEL AND Function

The Excel AND function returns TRUE if all conditions are TRUE. It returns FALSE if any of the conditions are FALSE.

To determine whether the return will be TRUE or FALSE, the function evaluates at least one mathematical expression located in another cell in the spreadsheet.

The syntax for the AND function is:

=AND (Condition1, Condition2, ...)
condition is something that you want to test that can either be TRUE or FALSE.

Note: In Excel 2007, the AND function can contain a maximum of 255 conditions. For earlier versions of Excel, the limit is 30 conditions.

To use the AND() function (an example)

· Type in the text in Excel A1 and A2 as follow:

· Click on any cell that you wish the result to appears. Type the functions below, the AND function will return the following results:

=AND(A1>10, A1<100)>would return TRUE.
=AND(A1=88, A2="Microsoft") would return FALSE.
=AND(A1>=50, A1<=88, A2="Microsoft Excel") would return TRUE.

To combine the AND function with IF function

· Let’s look at the following example that shows nesting the AND function inside the IF function.

· In the spreadsheet, type-in the following values accordingly:
Cell C1: 75
Cell C2: 95
Cell C3: 85

· Click on the cell C5 and enter the function below.
=IF(AND(B1>80,B2>80,B3>80),"Good","Not Good")

· If all three of these cells (C1,C2 and C3) contains a value greater than 80, the IF function will show the statement Good in cell C5.

· If any of these three cells contain a number less than or equal to 80, the IF function shows the statement Not Good in cell C5.

· So, the result in cell C5 will be Not Good since the cell C1 contains value that is less that 80.

Excel MIN Function

The Excel MIN function is used to find the smallest value in the selected range of cells or a given list of arguments. Text and blank entries are not included in the calculations of the MIN function.

The syntax for the MIN function is:

=MIN (Argument1, Argument2, ... Argument30)
Argument1, Argument2, ... Argument30 can be numbers, named ranges, arrays, or cell references. Up to 30 arguments can be entered in Excel 2003.

To use the MIN function (an example)

· Enter the following data into cells B1 to B5:

· Click on cell B7 where the results will be displayed.

· Type =MIN(B1:B5) in cell B7.

· Once finish, press the Enter key on the keyboard.

· The answer 2177 appears in cell B7 which is the smallest number in the list.

Excel MAX Function

The Excel MAX function is used to find the largest value in the selected range of cells or a given list of arguments. Text and blank entries are not included in the calculations of the MAX function.

The syntax for the MAX function is:

=MAX(Argument1, Argument2, ... Argument30)
Argument1, Argument2, ... Argument30 can be numbers, named ranges, arrays, or cell references. Up to 30 arguments can be entered in Excel 2003.

To use the MAX function (an example)

· Enter the following data into cells C1 to C5:

· Click on cell C7 where the results will be displayed.

· Type =MAX(C1:C5) in cell C7.

· Once finish, press the Enter key on the keyboard.

· The answer 953.5 appears in cell C7 which is the largest number in the list.

Excel COUNT Function

Excel COUNT function will return the number of entries (actually counts each cell that contains number data) in the selected range of cells.

Text and blank entries are not counted. If number data is later added to an empty cell in the range, the count total is automatically updated.

The syntax for the function is:

Argument is the range of cells to be totaled.

To use the COUNT function (an example)

· Enter the following data into cells B1 to C6:

· Click on cell C7 where the results will be displayed.

· Type =COUNT(B1:C6) in cell C7.

· Once finish, press the Enter key on the keyboard.

· The answer 12 appears in cell C7.

Note: Since dates, times, and formulas are stored as numbers in Excel, the COUNT function will include any cells containing these types of data in the total

Excel AVERAGE function

The Excel AVERAGE function can be used to calculate the average, or arithmetic mean, of values in a selected range of cells.

The syntax of this function is written as follows:

= AVERAGE (argument)
The argument for this function is data contained in the selected range of cells.

To use the AVERAGE function (an example)

· Enter the following data into cells C1 to C6.

· Click on cell C7 where the results will be displayed.

· Type “=AVERAGE( ” in cell C7 (without the quote).

· Click and drag to select cells from C1 to C6 with the mouse.

· Type the closing bracket " ) " after the cell range in cell C7 (without the quote).

· Once finish, press the Enter key on the keyboard.

· The answer 470.83 should be displayed in cell C7.

· The complete function =AVERAGE(C1:C6) appears in the formula bar.