
Excel AVERAGE function

The Excel AVERAGE function can be used to calculate the average, or arithmetic mean, of values in a selected range of cells.

The syntax of this function is written as follows:

= AVERAGE (argument)
The argument for this function is data contained in the selected range of cells.

To use the AVERAGE function (an example)

· Enter the following data into cells C1 to C6.

· Click on cell C7 where the results will be displayed.

· Type “=AVERAGE( ” in cell C7 (without the quote).

· Click and drag to select cells from C1 to C6 with the mouse.

· Type the closing bracket " ) " after the cell range in cell C7 (without the quote).

· Once finish, press the Enter key on the keyboard.

· The answer 470.83 should be displayed in cell C7.

· The complete function =AVERAGE(C1:C6) appears in the formula bar.