
Creating and Opening Workbooks

· Click on the New icon located on the Standard toolbar
OR press Ctrl+N

To open a file

· From the File menu, click Open.

· From the Open dialog box as displayed, use the Look in: drop down menu to select the drive or folder that contains the file you want.

· To open the file you can either double-click on the file name
OR select the file name by clicking on it, and then click on the Open button.

Microsoft Excel - Data Entry Techniques
Here is the guide that shows the easy ways that you can use to enter data into the worksheet.

To fill a range of cells with the same data

· Highlight the cells you wish to fill.

· Enter the information that you wish to fill the selected range with.

· Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter and the range will be filled.

To fill a range of cells with the 'automatic' data

· Highlight the cells you wish to fill.

· Enter the data into the cells as follow: A1: 1; A2: 2

· Use the mouse to drag from cell A1 to A2.

· Place your mouse in the bottom right corner of the selected cells until you see the “+”

· Click and drag the mouse down the cells as you wish. You will see the selected range will fill with continuous numbers 3, 4, 5, 6,…
Note: You also can replace the above A1 and A2 cells with days of week such as Monday, Tuesday,... and months like January, February,...

Microsoft Excel - Navigating in the Worksheet

How you can move from one place to another in Microsoft Excel? Here is the ways:

To move to a particular cell (quick way)

· Enter the cell that you wish to jump to into the Name Box (at the top, left of the screen). In the example shown the cell reference J50 has been entered. When you press the Enter key you will jump to the cell you entered

To move from cell to cell using the keyboard

· To move from cell to cell, use one of the following key or combination keys:



One cell to the right.

One cell to the left.

One cell down.

One cell up.

Ctrl + →

To the right-hand edge of the current region.

Ctrl + ←

To the left-hand edge of the current region.

Ctrl + ↓

To the bottom edge of the current region.

Ctrl + ↑

To the top edge of the current region.


To the first cell in the row.

Ctrl + Home

To the first cell in the worksheet.

Ctrl + End

To the lowest right-hand cell in the worksheet that contains a data entry.

Page Down

One screen down.

Page Up

One screen up.

Alt + Page Down

One screen to the right.

Alt + Page Up

One screen to the left.